Ariel Jonathan Roffé



Hi! I'm Ariel Roffé. I'm a philosophy researcher from Argentina.

I received my PhD from the University of Buenos Aires in 2020, I have a research scholarship from CONICET, and a teaching position at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Buenos Aires. My research areas are the logic of science and the philosophy of biology (especially of systematics). I also develop computational applications for philosophers.

I am a member of the Grupo ANFIBIO, the Centro de Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia and the BA-Logic Group, as well as other research groups in the philosophy of science and in mathematical logic.




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Book Chapters:

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Book Reviews:

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This beautiful website

The game part of this site was made using the HTML5 game engine Phaser 3. The assets I used are all public domain (see the GitHub repo for the specific credits), and some I created and/or edited myself. Building the game was a lot of work in many different areas, but I had a lot of fun and learned a lot making it. This part of the website was made simply using HTML, CSS and vanilla JS.

If you wish to see the code, you can access the public repository here.

CIyNE Movie Database

I worked with the CIyNE research group, which had compiled a set of Excel sheets with argentinean movies from 1900 onwards. My job was to design an SQL database, move the data from the Excel sheets and show the information while imitating site's aesthetics (and improving on it for the mobile version). The site is made with Django, PostgreSQL, Docker and Sass.

Access it at:

For a comparison of the aesthetic that I was imitating see:

CLMPST 2023 congress

Website for the CLMPST 2023 congress, to be held in Buenos Aires. Made with Django and Sass.

Access it at:


TAUT is a website where you can find a variety of randomly-generated, self-correcting logic excercises.

You can access it here.

See also:


Logics is a Python package for mathematical logic. It aims at generality (being able to represent as many systems as possible), well-documented and readable code and minimal dependencies, rather than speed. Some of its intended applications are educational software (e.g. TAUT uses a previous version of this package), and quick prototyping of ideas for research purposes

You can access it here.

To see the documentation, see here.


Reconstructor is a program designed to test and run formal reconstructions of theories, made in the structuralist format. It also does some cool logic stuff, and I believe it can be useful for teaching logic.


[version 2.1]:

[version 1.4]:

To run the program on Windows simply extract the .rar file (you can use WinRAR for that), and open Reconstructor.exe

Note: If you decide to use Reconstructor in the course of your investigations, please cite this article

Bib Unifier

Bib Unifier is a CLI tool made in Rust. It takes as input a set of .bib files, and outputs a single .bib file that concatenates the input, and deletes repeated entries. It can detect repetitions via the same citation key, same doi, same title and even similar title (according to some string similarity metrics).

You can download the tool here.

See the instructions to use it in the public repository here.

If you are a Rust developer, you can also see it on

Download CV

This is a short CV. If you need a full academic CV please write to my email account.